Field Trips | Picnics | Dayouts | Schools | Colleges | Families | Friends | Corporates

Going on a field trip enhances their critical thinking skills and gives students a chance to think about a topic or theme from a different perspective. Several children don’t get to experience the typical field trip locations with their families. A school trip gives students the chance to experience at ONE DAY KISAN. 


To allow kids to experience a farm, meet the farmers and learn through real hands-on farm work, helps to connect them better to their food and understand the importance of farming.

Details of Activities

Dung Cake Making

Dung cakes”, made from the by-products of animal husbandry, are traditionally used as fuel in India for cooking food in a domestic hearth called a Chulha. They are made by hand by village women and are traditionally made from cow or buffalo dung. experience the art of dung cake making


Do you know Pottery can improve children’s motor skills by giving them the chance to engage their arm and hand muscles. As they learn how to manipulate the clay, they will discover that their hands can be powerful tools.

Exotic and Domestic Birds

witness different kinds of birds and understand how birds play important role in the eco system. understand why pigeons are used as messengers in olden days.

Vermicompost Or Earthworm Pit

Understand why earth worms are called farmer friend and how does it helps making soil fertile. know why Vermicompost is becoming popular as a major component of organic farming system.

Scarecrow Making

Understand what is scarecrow? why farmers use them in their farms. how does it make an impact at different stages of cultivation make one with a group of friends.

Reservoir Working Model

witness live working model of a dam and understand the different types of dams manual and automatic in India and how electricity is generate

Persian Wheel

Witness one of oldest tools of irrigation it is also also called as (sakia or saqia) is a mechanical water lifting device. The Persian wheel is a mechanical water lifting device operated usually by draught animals like bullocks, buffaloes or camels. It is used to lift water from water sources typically open wells. In Sanskrit the word Araghatta has been used in the ancient texts to describe the Persian Wheel.

Archimedis Screw

The Archimedes screw is one of the oldes tool used to transport water from low-lying areas up to irrigation ditches. The design is so effective that it is still being used today. For instance, it is used to lift wastewater in water treatment plants and even to lift water in some amusement park rides.

Vintage Borewell

Experience the Vintage Hand Borewell to draw the water for Domestic needs

Vintage Farmer’s Watch Tower

Experience the Watch Towers used by Farmers in Olden Days

Vintage Domestic Water Well

Experience the Vintage Domestic Water well equipped with wooden wheel, Rope and Small Bucket to know about the Olden days water fetching system

Hand Grinding

Fun has always been part of our itinerary, warm up with our ancient hand grinding machine and understand the mechanism used before inventions of electric grinders.

Poly House Farming

Experience the Watch Towers used by Farmers in Olden Days

Tractor Ride

Enjoy the joy ride in farmers car and experience the life of one day farmer

Bullock Cart Ride

Enjoy the joy ride in farmers Vintage Bullock Cart Ride


Ploughing is one of the important activities of farming which helps in removal of weeds and loosening soil.our motto is to help every student should experience the process of ploughing.

Birds Nest Exploration

We know Birds are are nature’s premier architects, using a dizzying array of talents to build functional homes in which to live, reproduce, and care for their young. Recycling sticks, branches, grass, and mud to construct their shelters, they are undoubtedly the originators of “green architecture.” witness few real bird nests and understand its artistry.

Domestic & Exotic Animals

Understand Different Types of Cattle, Cattle Feeding, Hands-on Experience on Milking and other activities. understand difference between A2 and A1 milk and its importance. understand why and how India is world leader in milk production.


A timeless well, standing as a testament to traditional water-drawing techniques, where communities gathered and life flowed with every drawn bucket

Rain Water Harvesting Pit

Saving every drop: A rainwater harvesting pit designed for school children to learn the importance of conserving water for a sustainable future.

Paddy Life Cycle

From seed to harvest: The paddy life cycle, a journey of resilience and growth, nurturing the earth and feeding the world.

Vegetable Field Exploration

Discovering the roots of nutrition: A hands-on vegetable field exploration where school students learn the journey from farm to fork.

Hay Trampoline

Leaping into joy:  School children find simple pleasures in jumping on a haystack, where laughter fills the air and memories are made.

DJ Music, Dance & Fun Activities

Unwinding in rhythm: After a day of learning and exploration, DJ music and dance offer students the perfect way to relax, celebrate, and bond.

